Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's Back To School Day

Probably the day I look forward to the least all year.  The dog and I look at each other while we listen to the hum of the air conditioner.

I think that Moms can be a lot like paper clips sometimes.  So many colors, sizes and styles - but they function the same.  They hold things together.  They keep things organized.  They remind you of things to do.  They don't let go until you need to remove them.

As my kids head back to school, there is definitely some letting go involved.  But, the return to school also brings the return of the need to keep track of more and stay organized more.

I spent some time this thinking about the things that I wanted and needed to do this fall.  Things that would make it on THE LIST.  The LISTS that I would create.  Now, I actually have to go back to making that LIST.

The break has been awesome, but reality is setting in.

Unlike the last few years when it was really crazy, I hope that I can ease into things just a bit.  That days can be about what I accomplish and not how many things I can accomplish.  And, those things can be things that matter and help my family and not always everyone else!

For example, I am going to get my hair colored and trimmed tomorrow.  Probably not the most important thing that I need to do, but it's something for me.  There are times when it is ok to put things that I need first.  It's not something that I am very good at - but something that I hope to work on.