Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pondering THE LIST

Summer.  A time of rest.  A time of relaxation.  And, with just a few weeks to go before the kids go back to school, it's time for THE LIST again.

We all have one (or in my case, many!) that we ponder.   The length changes, the priorities change, the types of things on the list oscillate. THE LIST can be a friend, an enemy, a nag, a support system.  On the best days, THE LIST accentuates accomplishments.  On the worst, a personification of the lack of motivation that can quickly wash over someone with the best of intentions.

Over the last four years, my lists have been several and long.  More reactive than proactive.  Much more about others than about me, our family and certainly our house!

Four years ago my husband started what has quickly become a very successful business.  I was a huge champion of the idea, at times more than he was.  In the very beginning I helped with many tasks, including all the book keeping. At the same time I remained very involved in volunteering at our elementary school, with our PTA and Girl Scouts.  Not to mention my role as Mom to our two wonderful kids!  As the business grew, we were fortunate to hire a trusted friend to manage the things I had been doing, and then some!  So, with my "free" time, I took on the role of PTA Treasurer for two years and President last year.  I feel a great deal of personal accomplishment and satisfaction with the contributions I have made to my community over the last few years.  But, lots of other things have slid through the cracks.  Lots of things went undone, or done to just the bare minimum standard (in stark contrast to the efforts I was putting into my volunteer roles!). Lots of days everyone in our family was just running to stay in place.

My birthday is in September.  Combined with the beginning of a new school year, it has always felt like a chance to start fresh.

No. THE LIST never ends.  And I for one am glad about that.  I like having things to strive for.  I'm not afraid of working hard.  I like the sense of accomplishment and value and drive that lists can provide. Starting now, though, I hope the focus of the lists can change.  Things that are important to me that have long been at the bottom should move up.  Things that I never even put on the list, knowing there was no time to ever be able to even start, should get a place. Things that I was too tired to do and kept putting off - I hope to have the energy to accomplish.  And, some days, I want to make sure we totally ignore THE LIST.

So, why a blog?  Like many people who do this, I want a place to record things for myself.  Good things, bad things, in between things.  Things I like.  Good advice. Great blogs. Fun gadgets I try out.  Strategies that help me and help my family. Awesome apps.  I want a way to keep myself accountable.  I like to write and have not done enough of it in a long time.  And, just maybe, there is a chance that my experiences might help someone else.

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